Roundtable: Pathways for More Inclusive Economics Departments - What Works and What Doesn't?
Women in Econ Léman in the podcast "Unbiased - Making Numbers Speak"
Chapter 8. Sexual harassment is only the tip of the iceberg of a cultural issue in economics
Chapter 7. The Impact of COVID-19 on the Gender Gap and vice versa. What question to ask?
Chapter 6: We need to look at gender through various lenses - intersectionality in economics
Chapter 5. The origins of gender stereotypes: is gendered behaviour only trained behaviour?
Chapter 4. Policy options: what works and what doesn't in leveling the gender playing field?
Chapter 3. Micro aggression and persistent social norms
Chapter 2. Leadership and glass ceiling in economics
Chapter 1. What do we know about the experience of women economists throughout their career?
My motivation
Reasons and discoveries, my motivation.